Web Development Professional Portfolio

Professional Portfolio

My professional work experience consists mainly in Web and Window PC desktop application development. I have worked in various types of organizations. From my professional jobs, I learned how to resolve with complex problems while dealing with non computer savvy end users. My technical skill has improved greatly  as I get work on more complex projects.

San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, Fresno, California, USA

11/2010 – Present

At the Valley Air District, I have been able to work on many different types of projects and tasks. I have became a excellent team player and gain different types of skills.

Summaries of my experience for my previous workplaces can be found on my resume page since many things had changed with my previous employers. I have valued each of my employers tremendously because they  have played key roles in my professional and personal growth.  I always graceful to get work with so many talented human beings and learned a lot from them. For more details, please visit my resume page.