Oh, My Website is finally coming together!

I have been developing Web applications since 2000. However, I never really had my own website. When people asked me “Do you have a website?”, my answer was “No. But, I am working on it.” I often have a full time programming job. After coding and designing websites for the whole day, the last thing that I wanted to do when I get home was coding again.

Lily Liu in Utah
Lily Liu in Utah

In the last several years, thanks to several freelance and volunteer opportunities outside of my full time job , I have done good works in graphic design, photography and video. The timing is right to put together my web site to show case my professional and freelance work. I like to share my travel experiences, activities and hobbies!  I spent a lot of time to search Online for the best way to setup my Online presence but without needing a lot of coding. YouTube was a great resource. I am finally learning how to put together my web site by mostly “drag and drop” using WordPress!