Freelance Work Resume

Freelance Work Resume

Multimedia Projects
Web, Graphic Design, Video and Photography

I do my freelance work on a project basis outside of my full time work.  I have done freelance work in web development, graphic design, video and photography. I enjoyed using my creativity skill in my design because it helped me with my technical skill as well.

Video & Photography


Choice Imaging, Fresno, California, USA
Freelance Video Editor
  • Edited videos and audios for wedding, dance recital and other events.
  • Edited photo images for events

Skills – Adobe Premiere, Premiere Elements Illustrator, Photoshop, Audacity

Graphic Design


Central California Chinese Cultural Association, Fresno California, USA
Freelance Graphic Designer/Video Editor
  • Participated in event organizing meetings and gave Chinese cultural presentation to the Fresno local communities.
  • Designed ticket and poster for annual Chinese New Year celebration gala as well as flyers for other Chinese cultural events.
  • Edited 2016 Chinese New Year Gala videos

Skills –  Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, MS PowerPoint

1/1/2016 to Present

Fresno Taiwanese Friendship Association, Fresno California, USA
Freelance Graphic Designer
  • Created and Designed advertisements for Fresno Taiwanese Association’s Annual Book.

Skills –  Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, MS PowerPoint



Hua Du Chinese Middle School Association, Fresno California, USA
Volunteered Member
  • Participated in event organizing meeting and hosted events.
  • Created and designed the Association’s 20th celebration magazine.

Skills –  Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Photography


Hua Zang Buddist Institute, California, USA
Volunteer Graphic Designer / Vdieographer
  • Created and designed flyers for events hosted by  the Institute.
  • Photographed and videotaped darma assembly events hosted by the Institute.

Skills –  Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Photography

Website Development


Qinway Spiritual Healing Institute, California, USA
Volunteered Web Master

Skills – HTML, PHP, MySql, CSS, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, JavaScript, PHP List, jQuery

1/2009 - Present

Fresno Tai Chi Club, Fresno California, USA
Volunteer Webmaster

Skills – HTML, DotNetNuke Content Management System, ASP.NET , C#, SQL Database, CSS