Web, Graphic Design, Photography, Video Freelance Portfolio

Freelance Portfolio

I studied Graphic Design and Photography during my undergraduate studies at San Jose State University. However, my professional work experience consists of primarily software application development. I always wanted to utilize my creative skills at my jobs but never had any real opportunities.  Occasionally, I got to do some design works for families and friends.

Several years ago, when I was asked by the Central California Chinese Cultural Association (CCCCA) to help out with its annual book editing project. I decided to give a try despite the fact that I had not designed anything for a long time. It turned out to be a very good opportunity for me. I was able to reconnect with my creativity and apply my design skill that I learned from school. I have been helping CCCCA with their annual Chinese New Year Gala and Annual Book production in the last few years.

Gradually, other businesses and organizations asked me to do freelance graphic design, video and photography  work for them. I am now able to put together a portfolio of my works. Click here to view my freelance resume

I would like to thank all businesses and organizations that I have worked with. With their support, I am able to produce a solid freelance portfolio in Graphic Design, video and photography.  I look forward to many more wonderful opportunities ahead.